James J. Hill House Mid-Week Sketch June 13, 1-3P




Hello Urban Sketchers Twin Cities! You’re invited to join us for a June Midweek event.  

Sketch the interior (and exterior if you choose) of this 36,500 square foot iconic historic mansion on Summit Avenue in St. Paul. We will have access to all publicly open floors and rooms and all areas are mobility accessible with the exception of the boiler room. From the Grand Staircase to the exquisite dining room, the kitchen, family and servants' quarters there is always something more to sketch at every turn and corner. Wood carvings, fireplaces and ornate chairs are in abundance within this Minnesota Treasure.
2. When: Tuesday, June 13th, 1-3pm at James J. Hill House, 240 Summit Avenue, St. Paul MN
3. Cost: Entrance Fee is waived for this event.
4. Parking: Parking is on the street
5. Other notes:
-Personal comfort and accessibility through the house.
-Access to rooms and  specific areas can change based on James J. Hill House schedules
-Enter through the front door and meet the USTC host and you will be directed to the conference room set up for our use. Pencil, ink, markers and watercolor welcomed. Waterpens preferred, no open ink containers, charcoal, or other liquid media. Stools, lights, personal water bottles okay, snacks in the conference room. We will have a quick welcome and tour of the house and then ready-set-sketch!!!!
6. -James J. Hill has requested willing sketchers to provide scans of their sketches for selection and inclusion in the James J. Hill House Postcard Collection giving full attribution and credit to the artist.
7. For more information -https://mnhs.org/hillhouse Instagram @Jamesjhillhouse and on FB James J. Hill House.
Can’t wait to see you there!
