Oct. 3rd Midweek Sketch Outing at Como Lakeside Pavilion And Other News

Hello Urban Sketchers Twin Cities!

Please join us for a Midweek Sketch Event at Como Lakeside Pavilion. 
1. Where:
1360 Lexington Pkwy N, St Paul, MN 55103.
2. When: Monday, October 3rd, 1-3pm
Meet and Greet at 1pm on the west side of the Pavilion, near the Dock and Paddle Restaurant entrance. Be back to the Pavilion at 2:45pm for our sketchbook throw down and group photo.
3. The Dock and Paddle Restaurant (https://dockandpaddle.com/) will be open and has lunch and drinks. Sketch interiors and outdoor scenes or both!

Happy Sketching!

Mark Your Calendars for:

1. The October Sketch Out at the Grain Belt Brewery area in Minneapolis, Saturday, October 22nd, 12-3pm. Watch for more details soon!


Urban Sketchers Twin Cities has been invited to donate sketches for the AIA (American Institute of Architects Minnesota) silent auction as part of their conference November 9-11. A portion of the auction proceeds will be given to our group.
Can you donate one or multiple original sketches you’ve done from the Twin Cities area? They can be from our sketch meets or ones you’ve done on your own.

Deadline to submit sketches: November 1
How to Submit sketches: Bring to the October Sketch Out or drop off with the receptionist at Alliiance, 400 Clifton Ave. Minneapolis 55403 during business hours.

