Coming This Week... Sketch Meets at Lake Harriet (Monday, 7/25) and Loring Park Art Festival (Sunday, 7/31)

Sketch By Jon Fenske

 Hi Urban Sketchers Twin Cities! 

Don't miss two great sketch events THIS WEEK, one at Lake Harriet Bandshell, and one at Loring Park Art Festival. Hope you can make it, and Happy Sketching!

Midweek Sketch Meet Up - Lake Harriet Bandshell, Monday, 7/25
Please come if you're available on Monday, July 25 for a mid-week sketch meet up. At Lake Harriet you can sketch water, boats, people, buildings etc.
1. Meet at 1:00pm at the Lake Harriet Bandshell
2. 4135 W Lake Harriet Pkwy, Minneapolis, MN 55409
3. Meet again at 2:45 to share sketches


Sketch By Kar-Keat Chong

July Bonus Sketch Meet, Sunday, 7/31
Come out to beautiful Loring Park in Minneapolis for the Loring Park Art Festival Sketch Meet. This is a July bonus event for our group and we are invited by the festival to sketch.

1. When: Sunday, July 31st, 12-3pm.
2. Where: Loring Park is located near 1382 Willow St, in Minneapolis, across Hennepin from the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden.
3. Time: Meet and Greet at 12 noon at the front of the Community Performance Building (faces the lake). Follow this link to see map and building photos:
4. We will meet up again in this same location at 2:45 p.m. to share sketches and take a group photo.

Please see the Loring Park Art Festival website ( for more information on parking, food, entertainment, vendors, etc... If we have inclement weather, our sketch meet will be cancelled.
