2022 March Sketch Meet at Architectural Antiques on Saturday 3/19 from 12-3pm


Hello Urban Sketchers Twin Cities members!

This month's sketch meet will take place at Architectural Antiques in Minneapolis on Saturday March 19th from 12 noon to 3pm.

1. We’ll meet at the entry area of the store at noon for a quick meet and greet.

2. At 2:45pm, we’ll gather at the same area to share our work and take a group photo.

3. All visitors are encouraged to wear masks in the store.

4. There are limited parking spots in front of the Architectural Antiques store. Check out Minneapolis Parking Map for more parking info in this area: https://www.minneapolismn.gov/.../park.../parking-meter-map/

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Cover Photo Credit: Architectural Antiques Facebook Page
