Lake Superior Design Retreat and Duluth Sketching

In late February I spent a weekend in Duluth, MN for the  Lake Superior Design Retreat, an event put on by the American Institute of Architects, Minnesota Chapter. The event features six design-related speakers who are passionate about their work. Among the six this year was Gabi Campanario, founder of Urban Sketchers!

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On the second day of the retreat, Gabi and I led a sketchcrawl through downtown Duluth to Canal Park (with many thanks to Cheryl Fosdick for location scouting). The day after the retreat Gabi and I spent the morning sketching in Canal Park with Daniel Green.

20130224 LSDR Sketchcrawl map

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A warm-up sketch of Gabi.

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Downtown Duluth from the Sky Walk.

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Sketch crawl participants at the DECC.

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Canal Park

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Check out the rest of my sketches from the weekend on my flickr page. Just click on any of the images above to go there.


  1. Very nice sketches - now we know what to sketch when we are in Duluth!

  2. Very nice! I like your line quality a lot.

  3. Nice drawings Amber! You encouraged me to use the sketchbook of grey pages that we received in SD.
    I was left behind in this 4th Symposium but I will be in Barcelona anyway. Could you and Daniel reserve a spot for yourselves?

  4. Amber, great fun to see all of these. And it was fun to see you today at the Firefighters' Hall and Museum. Roz


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