Gabi Campanario - Urban Sketchers' founder coming to town

Don't forget that Urban Sketchers' founder Gabi Campanario is coming to Minnesota next week. He will be one of six featured speakers at the 25th Anniversary of the Lake Superior Design Retreat! Have you signed up yet? The retreat is coming up 22-23 February and is held at Fitger’s in Duluth.

Aside from a weekend to hang out with Gabi and sketch and chat together, what’s in store? A relaxed weekend hearing from a fight choreographer, video game designer, furniture designer, medical device designer, and architect. I always come away from the event inspired and with an expanded definition of design. And a weekend spent looking out over a frozen Lake Superior can never be time misspent.

Oh and did I tell you the best part? Gabi will be leading a sketchcrawl on Saturday afternoon as part of the event. And each participant will receive a fantastic sketchbook thanks to event sponsors Stillman & Birn and Wet Paint.  Gabi will also have copies of The Art of Urban Sketching on hand to purchase as well. 

I'll see you there!
