Another Pile of Snow in Minneapolis

Left: 6.5 x 9 inch page from my journal made with Magnani Annigoni Designo Tan paper. Faber-Castell Pitt Artist's Calligraphy Pen and gouache. Click on the image to view an enlargement.

Ken has his skylight filling up with snow to watch—I guess I have the barbeque grill!

This was the view out my side door today when we got 6 inches or so of new snow. (I've lost count. All I know is life drawing was cancelled so I did this impromptu life drawing session from the comfort of my kitchen.)

When there is sun the black enamel of the barbeque grill melts the snow nearby and creates a hole in the drifts that encroach on it. Next time we get some sunny weather the large dollop of snow on the top will slide right off.

Endless snow plow noises all day as the trucks turned around on the ramp. I keep reminding myself that it will soon be spring; that I'll soon be out on my bike! I want to believe that.


  1. Oooooohh that's a nice sketch! Toned paper is good for snow pile sketches.

  2. Toned paper is the best for snow sketches Ken!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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